Depolymerization of renewable materialsParticularly interesting for long-term development is the question of whether diesel or heating oil can be produced from organic renewable materials. These renewable materials can be: garden cuttings and chopped wood, but also rubber and bituminous substances. These substances have not yet been able to be depolymerised in the laboratories at Clyvia Technology GmbH. According to chemical laws it must be possible, however. Parallel to setting up a demonstration plant, Clyvia Technology GmbH will start a research project which aims to answer these questions. If this can be carried out successfully, it will be the breakthrough for further renewable energies.
Exhaust gas investigationsOne function of the plant which has not yet been proved is its ability to process waste containing chorine in such a way that the chlorine is retained in the waste products of the Clyvia plant without being able to enter the waste gas flow and recombining to dioxin here in the cooling-down phase. This process takes place day after day in combustion plants, where the concentration remains below the limiting values thanks to the large amounts of exhaust air, which does nothing to change the fact that dioxin is being expelled, however. The addition of suitable reagents makes it possible to bind chlorine as common salt in the reactor and to dispose of it without hazard with the remaining residual material. This represents an important contribution to keeping the atmosphere free of pollution.